Bees are fascinating creatures that play a vital role in pollination and the ecosystem. However, when they decide to build their nests on your property, it can become a cause for concern. Understanding where bees commonly build their nests can help you identify potential problem areas and take appropriate action. Before you call on bee […]
Do you love taking a stroll around your garden? If you have colourful flowers, you would love to walk around, pluck a flower, sit under the shade of the trees, and relax. However, amidst this beautiful scenario, finding a beehive on your property can be scary. If you have spotted honey bees buzzing around a […]
Bees are a threat to homeowners even though they are beneficial. They don’t want their nests and colonies around their family or garden because of painful stings. Their stings lead to excessive pain and allergies. Bees usually like to build their nests or hives in safe and comfortable areas. bEfore you get alarmed and call […]
Dangers Of DIY Bee Removal And Why Shouldn’t You Do it?
Are Teddy Bear Bees Dangerous?
As the weather gets warmer, we spend more time outdoors. However, nothing can ruin a fun outdoor party quite like bees buzzling all around you. While most people turn to insecticides to get rid of bees, it is probably not the best route.
September to December is considered the typical bee swarming season in Melbourne, Victoria. It is during this time of the year, the bees start gathering pollens to feed and store for the approaching winter season. During this time, the hive becomes overcrowded and splits into two groups. While the mother queen and a part of […]
Read about Best Practice For Victorian Beekeepers