Author Archives: admin

Do Teddy Bear Bees Sting?

Bee Pest Control Melbourne

Teddy bear bees may be adorable, but do they sting? These golden brown, fuzzy native Australian bees have a reputation for being friendly and playing a vital role in pollination. You may find them flitting around flowers in your garden, but many people are not sure whether they sting or how to deal with them […]

Beehive Removal Cost in Melbourne: What to Expect?

Bees are important to the environment, playing a crucial role in pollination and maintaining biodiversity. However, when a beehive is located on your property, it can pose risks to both safety and comfort. If you’re facing this situation, professional beehive removal is often necessary to ensure safety while protecting these important creatures. One of the […]

Effective Strategies for Dealing with Different Bee Species

Bees are vital pollinators; they contribute a lot to our ecosystem. But sometimes their presence in our homes or gardens can become annoying. The good news is, with a little knowledge, we can coexist peacefully with these buzzing creatures! Different bee species have varying behaviours and nesting preferences. Understanding these differences is essential to developing […]

How To Identify And Deal With Dormant Beehives In Winter?

Bees Removal Melbourne

Winter can be a deceptive time when it comes to bee infestations. As temperatures drop, bee activity slows, and many colonies become dormant. Identifying and dealing with dormant beehives during winter is crucial for effective bee control and ensuring your property remains safe year-round. Here’s how you can spot these hidden hives and take steps […]

Effective Bee Removal Methods To Remove Carpenter Bees  

Bees Pest Control Melbourne

Carpenter bees are buzzing black and yellow visitors can be both beautiful and a nuisance. While they don’t sting aggressively, the damage they cause by drilling nesting tunnels in your wooden structures can be a homeowner’s nightmare.  Unlike their more communal relatives, carpenter bees are solitary creatures, and their nesting habits can cause damage over time. […]

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