Bee Varieties in Melbourne

Melbourne is home to a wide variety of bees, including native species and bees from other environments. Bees are crucial pollinators, and their populations are declining worldwide. If you have bees on your property, it’s best to relocate them or get the help of qualified bee removal professionals like Bees Removal Melbourne. Our team has dealt with a wide range of bee species, successfully relocated beehives, and exterminated bee nests in cases of severe infestations.

Types of Bees

Stingless Bees

Stingless Bees

Stingless bees live in colonies with a queen and worker bees. Unlike honeybees, they lack a stinger and produce honey. Unfortunately, they attract other pests for their honey. Our experts can remove these stingless bee nests and offer quick solutions to deter other pests that are attracted to the honey.


Blue-Banded BeesBlue-Banded Bees

These solitary bees are named for the attractive blue bands on their abdomens. As pollinators, particularly for native wildflowers, they are known for their efficient “buzz pollination” technique. Blue-banded bees are not aggressive and will sting only if they feel threatened or trapped. Our experts can remove blue-banded bees safely and humanely while minimising disruption to your property.


Teddy Bear BeesTeddy Bear Bees

Teddy bear bees are fuzzy pollinators and another solitary species. They are called teddy bear bees for their dense coat of hair on their body. These bees only sting when they are threatened. Our bee experts understand teddy bear bees are peaceful. We’ll carefully remove them using gentle bee removal methods.



Resin Bees

Resin Bees

These solitary bees use plant resin to construct their nests. Resin bees are essential pollinators that are less aggressive and are mostly harmless. We use gentle methods to remove resin bee nests, ensuring minimal disruption to your property and protecting these valuable pollinators.



Leafcutter BeesLeafcutter Bees

Similar to resin bees, these solitary bees cut leaves to line their nests. Leafcutter bees are important pollinators of vegetables and fruits. They are not aggressive and only attack when squeezed. Our bee removal specialists will take care to preserve the leafcutter bees’ nest materials while safely relocating them and their young.



Masked BeesMasked Bees

Another large group of solitary bees, masked bees are known for the distinctive yellow or white markings on their faces. They play a vital role in the pollination of native plants. Our professionals can identify masked bee nesting locations and safely remove them.


Homalictus BeesHomalictus Bees

These small, solitary bees are commonly found in urban environments. Homalictus bees are general pollinators, visiting a wide variety of flowers. We can quickly and efficiently remove homalictus bee nests in urban environments, minimising disruption to your home or business.



Reed BeesReed Bees

These solitary bees nest in the stems of reeds and grass. Reed bees are important pollinators of wetland plants. Our experienced team can safely remove reed bees from their nesting spots within reeds or grass without harming them.



Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are solitary bees that burrow tunnels in wood to create nests for their young. They can cause more damage to your wooden structures as well. Our bee removal team can safely remove carpenter bees and their nests using exclusion methods and traps to prevent further damage to your property.


Yellow Carpet Bees (Australian Carpenter Bee)

Widely known as the Australian carpenter bee, this yellow carpet bee is a less commonly used term for a type of carpenter bee that lives particularly in Australia. They belong to the genus Xylocopa. Because they are a type of carpenter bee, our team at Bees Removal Melbourne can use similar methods for removal as with regular carpenter bees, focusing on exclusion and trapping to relocate them humanely.


Black Carpenter Bees

Black carpenter bees can have a mostly black body with a yellow thorax. Unlike honey bees, they can cause damage to your wooden structure by nesting tunnels. Our bee control team would use the same removal techniques for these bees as for other carpenter bees.  If they have infested your property already, we remove the entire colony and offer treatments to prevent future infestations.


Carpet BeesCarpenter bee

Unlike honeybees, which live in large colonies, carpet bees are solitary insects. Each female bee creates her own nest and raises her own young. Many people confuse carpenter bees with carpet bees as they have many similarities. Carpet bees are smaller than carpenter bees, and they can vary in colour depending on the species. Some carpet bees are black and yellow, while others are metallic green or blue.



Our Bee Removal Treatments For Different Varieties

The most effective way to treat a wide range of bees is to remove their nest first.  Besides honey bees, there are stingless bees, carpenter bees, leafcutter bees, and many more.  Since most bees are solitary, our bee removal treatments usually focus on removal and prevention. It means providing suitable nesting sites like pre-cut reeds for leafcutter bees and avoiding harsh pesticides in your garden.  For honey bees in hives, our bee control team may use specific methods to remove the hives and relocate them to a suitable environment for them to thrive. Our effective treatments will help eliminate bees and protect you from the threat of stings.

Why Choose Our Bee Removal Service in Melbourne?

  • We provide safe and efficient bee removal solutions to our customers in Melbourne.
  • We have extensive experience in handling all types of bees.
  • Our team offers quick responses to get your situation under control.
  • We provide complete solutions to prevent future infestations.
  • We recommend preventive bee control measures to control bees.

Our bee removal experts customise treatments depending on the specific type of carpet bee and its nesting habits. These methods involve sealing up any potential nesting sites around your home to prevent carpet bees from taking up residence.

Contact our bee removal experts in Melbourne at 1300 997 272 to schedule a free pest inspection.