What to Do If You Find a Beehive Inside Your Home?

blue banded bees

Finding a beehive inside your home can be a disconcerting experience. The thought of buzzing insects living in your walls, potentially venturing into your living space, is enough to send shivers down your spine. But before you panic, it’s important to understand that while bee hives in your home can be a nuisance, they are also a sign of a valuable ecosystem at work. Bees are vital pollinators, playing a crucial role in our environment. However, their presence in your home can pose risks, especially for those with allergies. Therefore, taking the right steps to address this situation is crucial.

Assess the Situation

Take a moment to observe the hive. Is it active, with bees coming and going? Where it is located and how accessible is it?  After you check, make sure to call in the bee removal professionals.

Leave It to the Professionals

Always remember not to swat or attempt to remove a beehive yourself! Bees are incredibly protective of their hives, and disturbing them can lead to aggressive stinging behaviour. You risk stings, potentially causing allergic reactions, and you may inadvertently relocate the hive to another location within your home, causing further problems.

Call in the Experts: Bee Removal Services

Contact a professional bee removal service in Melbourne like Bees Removal Melbourne. They have the knowledge, expertise, and equipment to handle beehive removal safely and effectively. Here’s what you can expect:

Safe Removal: Professionals will utilise specialised techniques to remove the hive without harming the bees or risking your safety. Bee removal services will either relocate the bees to a suitable habitat or eradicate the hive, depending on the species and local regulations.

Entry Point Sealing: Professionals will seal the entry point where the bees entered, preventing future infestations.

By calling a professional bee removal service, you can ensure the safe and effective removal of the hive, protecting your home and our buzzing friends.

 Bee Removal Cost In Melbourne

When it comes to the cost of bee removal in Melbourne can vary widely, depending on factors like the bee species, hive location, and complexity of the removal.

European honey bee removals are generally less expensive than removing native stingless bees or aggressive species, and hives located in easily accessible areas are easier and cheaper to remove than those hidden in walls or attics. Larger hives and more complex removals also increase costs. It’s essential to contact several reputable bee removal companies for detailed quotes that outline the scope of work and compare pricing before making your decision. Remember, choosing an experienced and reputable company is crucial for a safe and effective bee removal.

How to Avoid Encounters and Stay Safe?

Maintain Space

Knowing where bees live is the first step to avoiding them. Be aware of bee nests in your yard, neighbourhood, or local parks. Avoid getting too close, especially during peak activity times in the morning and evening. When you do encounter a bee hive of bees buzzing around, approach cautiously and quietly. Loud noises and sudden movements can agitate them, increasing the risk of a sting.


Bees are attracted to bright colours, especially yellow and red. Opt for neutral tones like white, tan, or beige when spending time outdoors. Cover up by wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants, tucking pants into socks or shoes. Keep hair pulled back and away from your face, as loose hair can attract bees. And skip the perfume and avoid wearing strong fragrances, including perfumes, colognes, and hairspray, which can also attract bees.

Food and Drink

Bees love sugary drinks, so cover them with lids or keep them out of reach when outdoors. Immediately wipe up spills of sugary drinks or food, as these can attract bees. While tempting, consider eating indoors or in a screened-in area to minimise encounters with bees.

The Buzz of Activity

Bees are drawn to flowering plants, so be extra cautious when gardening, mowing, or working near flowerbeds. Keep trash cans properly secured with lids, as they can attract bees. And before sitting on a picnic blanket or lawn chair, check for any bees that may have landed there.

What to Do If You Encounter a Bee?

Sudden movements can provoke a bee, so move away slowly and calmly. Always remember not to swat at a bee – this can anger it and increase the risk of a sting. If you’re near a hive, try to find shelter indoors or under a tree.

What to Do If You Get Stung?

If you do get stung, gently scrape the stinger out with a fingernail or credit card, avoiding squeezing the venom sac. Wash the area with soap and water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain. Watch for signs of an allergic reaction, including hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, or dizziness. If you experience any of these symptoms, quickly get immediate medical attention.

Living in Harmony with Bees

Following these tips can help minimise your risk of bee stings and allow you to enjoy the outdoors with greater peace of mind. Remember, bees are vital to our ecosystem, and by respecting their space and following safe practices, we can coexist peacefully with these important pollinators.

When to Call a Professional for Bee Removal?

While bees are important pollinators, a beehive in your home can be a dangerous nuisance. Knowing when to call a professional bee removal service can protect you and your family from stings and potential health risks.

Accessibility: If the hive is located in a difficult-to-reach spot like a wall cavity, attic, or roof, attempting to remove it yourself is incredibly dangerous.

Aggressive Species: Some bees, like Africanized honeybees, are more aggressive than others. It’s best to leave their removal to professionals who have the experience and safety gear to handle them.

Allergy Concerns: If anyone in your household has a bee allergy, it’s crucial to avoid disturbing a hive, as even a single sting can trigger a life-threatening reaction.

Hive Size: Large hives with extensive honeycomb structures are complex and require specialised tools and knowledge for safe removal.

If you’re unsure about how to approach the hive or feel uncomfortable handling bees, it’s always best to consult a professional from Bees Removal Melbourne at 03 9021 3752 today.

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